Department of Sports Injuries, Arthroscopy and Knee Surgery

Department of Sports Injuries, Arthroscopy and Knee Surgery

In the Sports Injuries, Arthroscopy and Knee Surgery Department;In minor injuries; rest, bandage and splint applications...

In the Sports Injuries, Arthroscopy and Knee Surgery Department;In minor injuries; rest, bandage and splint applications, non-steroid pain reliever and edema resolving drugs (NSAIDs), regional cortisone injections and physical therapy applications are performed. At the same time, stem cell therapy, hyperbaric oxygen therapies, which are very popular recently and effective in tissue healing are also applied in the department.

If the injury and the damage caused is severe; surgical approaches are also used. Surgical applications include open and closed (arthroscopic) interventions. Arthroscopy is a method that allows the visual examination of the joints with fiberoptic devices and thus enables the diagnosis and treatment of diseases and injuries occurring in the joint. All joints, ligament, cartilage, meniscus, tendon damage and cartilage transplantations can be treated with arthroscopic method.


All operations performed with ZNZ Hair Center are under our guarantee.
What will the future of hair transplantation be?

What will the future of hair transplantation be?

The most widely used hair transplant technique today is the FUE technique. The FUE technique was taken as an important step in the future of hair transplantation. With this type of hair transplant, the hair is removed one after the other with special tubes and transplanted.

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Hair Transplantation From The Past To The Present

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What is a Beard Transplant, How is it Performed?

Beard is the most important accessory that some men have. Beard loss or beard weakness, which can have various causes, can be remedied with a beard transplant treatment.

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