Ear Aesthetics

Ear Aesthetics

When viewed from the opposite side of the ears seen on both sides more than normal is called the bucket ear. It is possible to eliminate this problem with scoop ear surgeries that can be performed from childhood.

Scoop ear surgery for whom, how old?
When children are 4 years old, ear development is completed by 80 percent. Scoop-ear surgery is recommended when the early child can withstand local anesthesia when he / she knows himself. It is usually appropriate to be done from the age of 9-10. However, how much “ladle” is in the patient's ear is an important factor when deciding on surgery. It is important to note whether the child is socially injured. There is no harm in performing surgery at an earlier age for the psychologically affected children who were mocked by their friends during their school years. There is no upper age limit for surgery. It can be applied to patients even in older ages.

How do ear surgeries be performed? 

Local anesthesia is usually preferred in scoop ear surgeries. However, if the patient is young, or if the patient is selected, it is also performed with general anesthesia. The operation takes approximately 1.5 hours. It is an operation performed behind the ear. There is a method known as ma hanging with rope arasında among the people. In this method, only the suture is partially shaped into the auricle without opening the ear skin. However, this is not a correct and recommended method. With this method, there is a risk that the ear will recover if the suture tears.

The method which is preferred by plastic surgeons and which is permanent solution is different. Surgically, 
a 3-4 cm incision is made with only a scar behind the ear. Cartilage is shaped in this way. Age of the patient has no effect on the success of surgery. As in all surgeries, the recovery period lasts longer. As the age progresses, the healing tissue becomes slower.

What are the points to consider after scoop ear surgeries ?

Since the operation was performed under local anesthesia, the patient was discharged on the same day. Post-operative bandage is applied for two days to prevent swelling and bleeding. At the end of the second day the patient is called for a check-up and the band is removed by a specialist. A bandage in the shape of a headband is then worn at night for 10 days. The healing is completed in this way. Operating seem like time never varies from person to person also swelling and edema around 10-12 days completely passes. You would expect 3 weeks to enter the sea from the pool. The bathroom can be done after the third day. Postoperative recurrence is a very rare condition. The definitive solution with this surgery it is provided.


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